Building Android-N x86

Getting Android-x86 source code

Firstly, follow the AOSP page “Establishing a Build Environment” to configure your build environment.Then

$ mkdir android-x86
$ cd android-x86
$ repo init -u git:// -b Nougat-MR2
$ repo sync –no-tags –no-clone-bundle

Building the image

$ . build/
$ lunch android_x86-userdebug
$ make iso_img -j8(No of threads,depends on your processor)

The generated image is located at out/target/product/$TARGET_PRODUCT/$TARGET_PRODUCT.iso

Use tools like Unetbootin or Ultraiso to burn Androidx86 iso image to the USB disk

Install and Boot on Laptop/dextop .

Image result for android x86 nougat images